中国女生维珍航空被种族歧视事件 (转载) 楼下有层主更新报道。



一直关注这事儿,你们看到最新进展了吗? Virgin的创始人Richard分分钟把话题转移到对残疾人的歧视上,简直是颠倒黑白!

有人建议给shareholder和董事会写信,会有用吗? 中国乘客在英国 Virgin Atlantic 上受到种族歧视,应该如何维权? - 知乎

觉得当事人先在社交媒体上造势的做法可能太着急了,如果先跟CEO 投诉,也许现在就解决了,唉


还有一名同机乘客Catherine Jones在《Shanghailist》报导下方留言,指中国女子并非在找耳机,而是想在起飞前换座位,白人男子则告诉她不要这么做,随后两人发生争执。









英国一些新闻网站已经有了,相对比较公正,而不是一面之词,目击者说并没有听到 “Chinese pig", 而是听到f*** back to your seat. 那个男的有病,当事人也说了,那个人会翻白眼和浑身发抖。工作人员在飞机上息事宁人是对的,不可能和有病的人一直争下去。做的不好的是,当时工作人员说要调男的位置而没有实现,完全可以先保证调那个女生的位置,我觉得工作人员是不想在飞机上刺激有病的人。

I think she made it up. The reason? The word ‘pig’ isn’t used as an insult in English- at least not in that way. If she’d been called a bch, or ahole, or something like then, then maybe.
But ‘pig’ isn’t an English language insult- except used to refer to someone who eats too much. Stop pigging all the pies etc.
But… ‘pig’ IS used as an insult in Chinese. Or so my work mate tells me.
So- I think she either made it up or exaggerated.

There’s no excuse for racism, if that’s what the incident was.
However, it has to be said that the behaviour of Chinese tourists at times is nothing short of atrocious.
An example- on a recent international flight I witnessed a very elderly gentleman taking some time to manoeuvre himself into a position where he could sit down. As a result the aisle was temporarily held up.
A middle aged Chinese passenger barged past the passenger next to the older man, and bowled him into the row of seats, causing him to fall across his seat and the adjacent passenger. Her travelling companions then followed past her, none of them stopping to assist. The man was quite shaken.
So while I’m not excusing racism, sometimes people need to look at why they garner the reactions that they do.
1 reply+14

I’m sure its inadvertent but this comment is in itself racist. Queuing and waiting in line is a foreign concept to many Asians, and they will not do it. For us her behaviour was inappropriate, but for her it was probably perfectly normal.

So when an Asian lady blocked the aisle on my last plane trip (she decided to stand in the aisle and unpack / repack her cabin luggage) my compromise behaviour was to stand directly behind her and say “Excuse me” twice. When that was met with no reaction whatsoever I then barged past her. There was no reaction at all from her when I (and the following passengers) did it, so obviously it was what she expected us to do.

Well said Richard Branson! Couldn’t agree more with your statements in this article!
1 reply+13

I totally agree with you. Love the last thing he said. “But before you post send a tweet or post a comment, ask yourself if you would be happy to say that to someone face to face,”. So true!

Trial by social media again

trial by social media…

That’s sorta like blaming the gun when someone gets shot.

Typical social media and the angry jerks who frequent it, who have nothing better to do.

Richard Branson obviously doesn’t know about “listen and believe”. Maybe he heard about the incident about the Muslim woman on a flight who went on social media about being denied a Coke Zero because she claimed the flight attendants said she was likely to use it as a weapon.

The first child to run to Mummy crying is always the innocent one. Or, so our pathetic society believes.

There’s always two sides to a story…
5 replies+18

3 actually

ned kell****
sometimes 3, his, hers + the truth

There’s actually three sides to a story - person ones side, person twos side AND what actually happened/was said
1 reply+4

Actually there are 4 sides to this story; the accuser, the accused, the truth, and the PC cowering-finger wagging-“soooo offended!” mobsters. These publicity seeking midgets need to develop a sense of proportion and analyse what caused such a hostile reaction. Elementary Watson…!

Kid Curr****

  • His side

  • Her side

  • His lawyers side

  • Her lawyers side

  • The side that gets reported in the media

  • The side that people who read the story then make up.

  • The truth

In any dispute truth is always the first casualty.

Parkinsons can also develop a form of dementia so that may have accounted for the outburst.Always 2 sides…
1 reply+13

Maybe she did something to warrant such an outburst??

After travelling internationally during chinese new year, I’m not surprised to hear this reaction…


好像太晚了, 今天看到维珍的Facebook下面有上千华人打1分,然后评论都是有攻击性的,现在没人在乎真相了,国人舆论肯定向着女孩那边。维珍肯定会损失客人。

